Aetna - Medical Grp. Denied
First submittal to Aetna and I was Denied.... "Not Medically Necessary" How can that be.... above 50BMI Most of my adult life (Im 40) Two blood pressaure meds Pre-diebetic Constant leg and feet pain History of Heart attack- diebetes Any suggestions??? Samples of good appeal letters?? Thanks all :)">">>
Hi Kellie, I have Aetna Open Access PPO. I wonder if this is why we've had such different experiences with the same insurance company. I actually started this entire process on my own without a Dr. I went to see the surgeon (no referral needed) and after I made my decision told my PCP. After that I took all the criteria I needed and started the process with my PCP. This is what was submitted to insurance: 1. PCP notes on 6 month diet and comorbidities like arthritis and back pain. 2. PCP medical necessity letter. 3. Nut. Eval. 4. Psych eval. 5. Surgeon letter of med. necessity including all my prior diets and weight history 6. Pulmonologist reports regarding sleep apnea. I actually didn't see any of this. My surgeon's office took care of everything. I was so nervous about the entire insurance process. As you know, it's very stressful. Hope this helps you a little. Hang in there and definitely appeal. Don't give up whatever you do. I'm glad you're staying on top of the insurance company. If you need anything else just PM me. Lots of hugs, Monica
Alisa.... Thanks so much for your reply :) sorry to hear that you are in the Aetna battlefield also.. But sounds like you are almost there .... My fingers are crossed for a quick approval with a soon surgery date... Anyhow, yeah I'm jumping through their hoops.. If they think Im going to give up, ha... they are soooo very wrong. I am more determined now then ever.... No, Im not on insulin yet . I have only been labeled a PRE- Diabetic... haha... heck is that a good or bad thing..?? gheezzz.. My BMI is currently 54 (should be enough) Im on 2 blood pressure meds to control it. I have artritus in both my ankles and probably my knees... I don't know if I have sleep apnea but I have requested a sleep study test ... I'm falling deeper into a depression as this insurance process goes on... Thanks again for your post.. and you are in prayers :) Keep me posted on your progress... Kellie">">>
A doctor in my doctos office stated at our support group meeting that when she contacted one insurance company they told her point blank...we deny a certain percentage of claims for no reason whatsoever....just economics that some people wont appeal so we save money!!!!!!!!! I am sure that this is very very very true. Jus look at what co-morbids you have!!!